Cavaradossi in TOSCA

Cincinnati Opera

“Her artistry was perfectly matched by tenor Russell Thomas, as the painter and political activist Cavaradossi. We knew we were in for a treat the moment he unleashed his exciting, ardent tenor in the first act’s “Recondita armonia.” His love duet with Martínez was affectionate and utterly believable, as their smiles to each other could easily be seen on the big screens flanking the stage. In the second act, when word arrived that Napolean had won a victory, Thomas’ cry of “Victory!” rang out powerfully across the vast Great Lawn of the park. The last act’s “E lucevan le stelle” was an emotional tour de force.”
–Janelle Gelfand, Cincinnati Enquirer

“Russell Thomas made a welcome return to the company. Russell continues to grow artistically, shaping phrases sensitively. Thomas provided some beautiful soft singing in his two arias and his duets with Tosca—their relationship was made more prominent in this shortened version—but also delivered plenty of power when required.”
–Joe Law, Opera News

Beth Stewart20/21